ISO Certified

Gogeta is ISO 27001 certified

Helping people get an extra slice of their salary with the power of salary sacrifice might seem like magic but with our watertight approach to data protection there is no smoke and mirrors.

We are proud to be ISO 27001 certified, in recognition of our industry leading information protection procedures and protocols.

ISO27001 is a globally recognised standard that provides a framework for an information security management system. This is incredibly important

when you are dealing with salary sacrifice and payroll. To achieve ISO 27001 certification, we demonstrated our robust approach to managing customer and employee data, financial information and security controls.

We’re the only salary sacrifice benefits provider that is both a BCorp and ISO 27001 and we think that’s pretty special. When you choose to work with us, you choose a company that has been recognised not only for its ethical approach to doing business but also its commitment to customer and data protection.



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Whether you’re an employee, an employer or a partner, you can start using Gogeta in just a few clicks. Go on, use your loaf.

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© 2024 Velomatch Limited t/a gogeta. Velomatch Limited t/a gogeta is a registered company in England and Wales as Velomatch Limited (No. 13403344). Our registered address is Birchin Court, 20 Birchin Lane, London EC3V 9DU. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under registration number 994240.


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