We help make salaries go further

Everyone’s salary deserves a bit of oomph.

With Gogeta you can pay for things like nursery bills, household appliances or a new bike before you get taxed.


Wait, how does that work?

You might be wondering what all the bread is about. Good point. Let’s get into it.

Basically, we found that using a simple loaf of bread is a good way to explain what we do. All you need to know is our friend Loaf here represents your monthly salary, or your dough, if you will.

Gogeta helps you use your loaf a bit differently, allowing you to pay for things before you’re taxed. So you get to keep an extra slice of your salary, without having to increase your dough.

how that works image

Here’s the low down

That new road bike you’ve been eyeing up? A cargo bike for the school run? Go get it – and a bit more – with Gogeta. Our cycle to work voucher is fully flexible, so you can use it all in one go , or save some for extra bits you need later in the year. We make the savings, how you spend them is up to you.
Finally, a little bit of good news about childcare costs. With Gogeta, nursery fees can be reduced by thousands of pounds simply by paying for them out of your gross salary, before you pay tax. More good news: Gogeta benefits your nursery, too.
Fancy a new laptop? Washing machine on the blink? Our tech scheme lets you save up to 8% and pay interest free over 12 months. Now that's tech-tastic. Coming soon.

Our promises to you

We save<br/>you money
We save
you money

Can’t say plainer than that. We can help you make the most of your salary.

We make<br/>it easy
We make
it easy

A few clicks and you’re all set. We believe more people should be able to access these brilliant benefits, so we’ve made it as simple as possible.

We’re fair and<br/>transparent
We’re fair and

We want everyone – from employees to employers to partners – to feel good when they use Gogeta. There’s no cost to employers, and nurseries and bike shops benefit too.

Ready to
start saving?

Let’s make it a good work day.

Whether you’re an employee, an employer or a partner, you can start using Gogeta in just a few clicks. Go on, use your loaf.

ready to start saving image

© 2024 Velomatch Limited t/a gogeta. Velomatch Limited t/a gogeta is a registered company in England and Wales as Velomatch Limited (No. 13403344). Our registered address is Birchin Court, 20 Birchin Lane, London EC3V 9DU. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under registration number 994240.


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